Award Winning Chiropractic Care


The Consultation & Exams

Every person and every health condition is different. This concept is of paramount importance when it comes to examining a new patient. We will dive deeply into your individual health issues and create a plan of action unique to that situation. The consultation and exam process provide both a subjective and objective view of your health and allow us to track your improvements throughout you care with our office!

After the consultation process, a functional physical exam will be performed as well as a few of our objective assessments. We use state of the art thermographic imaging of the spine to locate and quantify areas of irritation, swelling and muscle imbalances. A digital posture assessment will be taken to highlight postural issues and to customize home care exercises. In acute cases, or issues that provide our doctors with red-flags we also utilize X-rays to rule out anything more dangerous happening if needed.


Specific Adjustments

Tailored Chiropractic adjustments to suit your individual case. We utilize both manual and instrument style adjustments depending on the needs of the patient and the goals for treatment. Everybody responds differently to different therapeutic interventions so we will use the information gathered in the consult and the objective assessment tools to determine the best course of care for you!


Once we can determine how your body responds to the care provided, we can create an entire care plan that is designed to get you better, faster! Our office is the furthest thing from cookie-cutter which is how we achieve higher success rates with our patients. When the care provided is designed specifically for you, and the goals you have for your health, the results will follow!


Integration and Corrective exercise

We use the word ‘integration’ to highlight our holistic approach to musculoskeletal issues. Alongside your adjustments we will analyze and adjust any extremity issues you may have, as well as implement integrative therapies to support the new changes made by the adjustment. We specialize in Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), Cupping, Physician assisted stretching and other soft tissue modalities. Combining the adjustment with rehabilitative therapy yields greater results than either on their own.

Our extremities (foot, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand) can have a big influence on our posture, spinal alignment and create sub-optimal movement patterns. We will analyze and adjust any restricted joints, mobilize the soft tissue and create homework exercise regimens to optimize your recovery and create long lasting improvements. Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal given the correct resources and structure. Optimizing our movement patterns and correcting structural issues will help our bodies heal more efficiently!
