Red Light Therapy


Begin your journey to healthy weight management with our specialists at Explore Health & Wellness. Our experts will help you reach your health goals with a combination of red light therapy and metabolic support. Red light therapy is not only an effective way to lose inches from stubborn areas, it is also effective for managing inflammation and pain.


Cellulite Treatment - Acoustic Wave Therapy (Shockwave)

What Causes Cellulite?

Fibrosis, the thickening or hardening of the collagen cords under your skin, shortens the cords, pulling down on your skin. Fatty tissue in that area will look as if it’s protruding (herniating) around those cords, thereby resulting in bumpy skin.

Causes of Cellulite Include:

  • Changes in subcutaneous tissues

  • Water retention

  • Changes in the elasticity of the skin (dermis and epidermis)

  • Poor lymphatic circulation

Shockwave / Acoustic Wave Therapy

  • Weakens fibrous subcutaneous tissues

  • Reducing lymphedema (swelling caused by poor lymph fluid flow)

  • Influencing mesenchymal stem cells (adult stem cells found in fat tissue)

  • Improving blood circulation

Check out more details on how it works!

Nutritional Support

A team of MD nutritionists will work to customize nutritional and supplementation support to achieve your health goals. We are able to provide support for a variety of conditions allowing us to tailor our care plans to your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy, also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT), is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.” It applies red light to the skin to help stimulate cell renewal and help restore function to different areas of the body. There are little to no side effects associated with this treatment and can help improve both chronic and acute pain.

Research in light therapy has been conducted for decades, starting with NASA experimentation in the 1980’s, culminating with the aesthetic and orthopedic industries of today. Following the discovery that 635nm light has an effect on fat cells, this new technology has created an explosion in the already robust non-invasive body contouring marketplace.

+ How does it work?

Our therapy uses red and infrared light technology to deeply penetrate fat cells and remove fat without invasive surgery. There are no needles, no incisions, and no recovery time.

LED energy, light therapy enters the skin and is absorbed by the fat cell. The stimulation opens the walls allowing the fat to escape. The fat cell will then break down the contents allowing the excess fat out. Imagine a grape shrinking down to a raisin - this is similar to what Red Light does to your fat cells. Red Light Therapy painlessly reduces fat in the tissue under the skin while reducing inches from target areas, slimming, reshaping body lines, reducing cellulite, and tightening skin.

+ Is red light therapy safe?

Yes, Red Light Therapy is FDA cleared for body contouring as well as muscle spasms/pain and joint pain. Red light therapy uses visible light in the form of lasers or LED. Unlike ultrasound, radio frequency, laser light and freezing, LED-based therapies do not cause cellular damage or mutation. Quite the opposite, LED light has been shown to promote a natural response within cells based on the wavelength of the light energy used and the type of cell it reaches.

+ How soon will I see results?

Most patients see a noticeable improvement within the first 2 or 3 treatments, some as early as the 1st treatment.

+ How often should I use Red Light Therapy?

Dosages vary depending on what condition you are trying to treat, and it is always best to consult a doctor for advice on how often you should use red light therapy.

+ Can anyone be treated?

LLLT for body contouring is safe and effective for anyone who does not have a medical condition that reduces their ability to eliminate waste via the liver and kidneys. Patients are recommended to consult their physician before starting any type of diet or exercise program.

+ What areas of the body can be treated?

Therapy can be used on any part of the body; hips, waist, thighs, back, upper arms and neck.

+ How is Red Light Therapy different from other weight loss therapies such as Coolsculpting or Liposuction?

Our therapy is designed to deliver results without the dangers associated with invasive body contouring surgery or processes which kill the fat cells like radio waves, freezing, heat, or chemical injections. Red Light Therapy is also painless and has zero down time. You can exercise and resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

Our Red Light Therapy penetrates deeper into the fat cells than LipoMelt by using infrared light and LED lights. Reflective coating on our therapy devices allows the Red Light to be 10x stronger than other LED weight loss devices.

+ What are the other possible non-weight loss benefits of Red Light Therapy?

  • Reverse Skin Aging
  • Slow Hair Loss
  • Combat Inflammation, Speed Up Wound Healing & Decrease Pain
  • Combat Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, & Increase Energy
  • Promote Proper Thyroid Function
  • Combat Depression & Anxiety
  • Improve Cognitive Function, Brain Health, and Slow Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Disease
  • Improve Joint Health and Combat Arthritis
  • Improve Sleep Quality
  • Enhance Muscle Gain, Strength, and Endurance
  • Reduce Glycaemia for DM Type 1 Patients
